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  • How do I become a Litecoin developer?
    Contact the Litecoin Foundation.
  • What is the halving?
    The halving is when the block rewards are reduced in half, this occurs roughly every four years when 840,000 blocks are mined. Only 84,000,000 litecoins to ever be produced with a target of 2.5-minute block intervals. The Halving event occurring every 840,000 blocks (approximately every 4 years). Block reward which starts at 50 and halves continually every halving event until it reaches 0 (approximately by year 2142).
  • Can bitcoin miners 51% attack litecoin?
    No. Litecoin uses the Scrypt hashing algorithm which cannot be mined with Bitcoin hardware.
  • Is dogecoin merged mined with Litecoin?
    Yes - Doge has a Aux-PoW that was enabled in 2014 to save Dogecoin from potential 51% attack. Merge mining now allows miners to contribute computing power to both chains at once and thereby compete for both rewards, without having to split the provided hashrate among the two networks. For miners today it is therefore possible to to mine both Dogecoin and Litecoin simultaneously.
  • Since Doge is merge-mined with Litecoin, could it ever 51% attack Litecoin?
    Any Proof-of-Work coin can be 51% attacked at any time. The reason that miners do not perform 51% attacks all the time is because it's more profitable to not perform the attack. The same goes for Litecoin and Doge merge-mining. Doge is not a threat to Litecoin because miners can mine both and get profits from both at the same time.
  • Why was Scrypt picked for Litecoins hashing algorithm?
    By choosing a different mining algorithm (Scrypt algorithm vs. Bitcoin’s SHA-256), Charlie Lee sought to make mining accessible to anyone with a basic computer's central processing unit (CPU)—unlike Bitcoin, which required the greater processing power of a graphics processing unit (GPU). Initially, Lee’s choice of Scrypt did allow Litecoin to be mined on CPUs, but that advantage proved to be short-lived. When mining software and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for the Scrypt algorithm were developed, Litecoin miners moved to GPUs as well, and it was no longer profitable to mine Litecoin without a more powerful mining rig.
  • When was Litecoin created?
    Litecoin (LTC) is an alternative cryptocurrency created in October 2011 by Charles "Charlie" Lee, a former Google engineer. Litecoin was adapted from Bitcoin's open-source code but with several modifications.
  • Litecoin has less hashrate then Bitcoin, does that mean Litecoin is not as secure?
    Short answer, since Bitcoin and Litecoin use different algorithms so the hashrates can't be compared. What's important is algorithm dominance, Litecoin has more dominance in Scrypt than Bitcoin has with SHA-256. Arguably Litecoin is more secure by that fact alone. In addition in a span of 10 mins, Bitcoin on average will only have 1 confirmation whereas Litecoin will have 4. This makes Litecoin not only faster but also more secure than Bitcoin.
  • What is the smallest unit of Litecoin?
    There's no "official" name for the smallest unit of Litecoin yet. The following suggestions have been made: Latoshi, Lites, Liteoshi, Photons, LiteLees, etc.. Which do you think it should be called?
  • Why did Charlie Lee the founder sell his litecoin?
    Charlie sold to make Litecoin more decentralized and less dependent upon him.
  • Where was Charlie Lee born?
    Charlie Lee was born in 1977 to Chinese parents in the West African nation of Ivory Coast, where his parents had lived since the 1960s.
  • Does Charlie Lee control Litecoin?
    Nobody controls Litecoin, anyone who would like to develop on, use, market for, accept and mine Litecoin can without needing permission.
  • Will Charlie Lee every leave Litecoin?
    On many occasions, Charlie Lee has stated that he is very well off from Bitcoin and Ethereum investments and that he doesn't need to invest in Litecoin. (Which is why he sold his fairly mined Litecoin investment) Yet, Litecoin is STILL his passion and will continue to develop on it because of his strong belief in Litecoin over 5 years since he "Sold all of his litecoin".
  • How do we know that Charlie Lee isn't Satoshi Nakamoto?
    Charlie Lee is the creator of Litecoin and proved it by signing Litecoin's Genesis Block. Satoshi Nakamoto never signed the Bitcoin Genesis Block and doesn't want to be known. We don't know Charlie Lee is Satoshi Nakamoto or not because Satoshi Nakamoto doesn't want the recognition. All we do know is that Charlie Lee doesn't want us to know if he's Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • If Bitcoin added MWEB does it make Litecoin obsolete?
    No, Litecoin has many benefits and advantages over Bitcoin. If anything Litecoin adding all of Bitcoin's features might make Bitcoin more obsolete between the two.
  • What is MWEB/MimbleWimble?
    MWEB is Litecoin's most recent major upgrade that provides fungibility, scalability and privacy at the base layer that Bitcoin does not have.
  • Wen moon?
    Litecoin is only stopping at the moon for a quick rest stop before it's destination to Mars. This is a pleasant trip so it has taken it's time so speculators don't make too much profit off Litecoin's eventual meteoric rise.
  • Why is Litecoin better than Bitcoin?
    Litecoin is more reliable with 100% uptime for 10.5 years, 4 times faster, 4 times cheaper to use, has more layer-1 capacity for transactions, has a privacy option, and everything else that Bitcoin has.
  • Is Litecoin a competitor to Bitcoin?
    Not really, Litecoin is more of a complement—not a competitor—to Bitcoin: as “silver to Bitcoin’s gold.”
  • Is Dogecoin better than Litecoin?
    Dogecoin had very positive price action recently because of Elon Musk's endorsement. Famous people can get in trouble for using their influence to pump an investment. So Elon was smart and filled his bags with Litecoin then pumped Dogecoin which supports Litecoin through merge-mining.
  • Is Litecoin the testnet for Bitcoin?
    No, Litecoin is a separate blockchain that is faster, cheaper, more innovative and unlike Bitcoin has 100% uptime.
  • Is Litecoin "Digital Silver"?
    Litecoin is harder than Gold in terms of supply. Litecoin can be "Digital Silver" but it can also be "Digital Gold" too.
  • I don't use Twitter, I prefer YouTube for my content. Who should I follow to learn more about Litecoin?
    The Litecoin Foundation would be a good starting point.
  • Will Litecoin fees always be cheaper than Bitcoin?
    Probably. Bitcoin fees are paid with satoshi's, the smallest unit of Bitcoin. When the price of Bitcoin rises so does the price of Sats, therefore transaction fees also rise in terms of dollars. Similarly Litecoin fees are paid with the smallest units of Litecoin. Since there are 4 times as many Litecoin, then Litecoin's price will have to be 4 times the price of Bitcoin before Litecoin fees start costing the same in terms of dollars.
  • What Is Litecoin Used For?
    Litecoin can be used as a P2P method for paying people anywhere in the world without an intermediary having to process the transaction. It can also be viewed as a store of value, or as a component of a diversified crypto portfolio.
  • Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
    Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of Bitcoin that disappeared to work on, "more complex projects". Not long after, Charlie Lee created Litecoin and has never abandoned the continued development of Litecoin which is now better and more "complex" than Bitcoin with a privacy option.
  • Since Bitcoin has the Lightning Network, why is Litecoin needed?
    Litecoin still has cheaper fees than the Lightning Network, in addition Litecoin can provide a cheaper on-ramp to the Lightning Network since Bitcoin and Litecoin are linked through cross-chain atomic swaps.
  • Is Litecoin another scam coin?
    The one thing that made Bitcoin revolutionary was the solution of The Byzantine Generals Problem through the use of Proof of Work. Litecoin also uses Proof of Work. Any coin that uses Proof of Work is not a scam.
  • Is Litecoin a shitcoin?
    No - litecoin has zero qualities of a shitcoin. Shitcoins are usually ones that have a pre-mine, founders stash, no utility, and or initial coin offering.
  • Is Litecoin a hard-fork of Bitcoin?
    No, Litecoin is a source-code copy of Bitcoin. It has a different genesis block and ledger.
  • What is Litecoin's use case?
    Litecoin has a much better user experience. Test it out, first send BTC from an exchange to a wallet and then back to the exchange. Now try with Litecoin. Not only was the transaction faster but also cheaper. User experience is a major use case for Litecoin. As you "LookIntoLitecoin" you will find more use cases.
  • Who should I follow on Twitter to learn more about Litecoin?
    Charlie Lee and all the writers would be a good starting point.
  • How Many Litecoins Are There?
    There will ultimately only be 84 million Litecoins in circulation. In November 2021, there were just over 69 million Litecoins in circulation.8 That leaves less than 15 million LTC left to be mined.
  • Will Litecoin replace Bitcoin?
    Replacing Bitcoin suggests a centralized force that decrees one legal and one illegal. Both Bitcoin and Litecoin are decentralized and cannot replace one or the other, they can only compete on which one is better and more used than the other.
  • What are the negatives about Litecoin?
    Price has been underperforming against Bitcoin since 2019. Otherwise, Litecoin network adoption and growth is only increasing.
  • Is Litecoin more centralized than Bitcoin?
    Centralization and Decentralization are big generalized terms that will be argued about for the next 10 years and beyond. The original use of the term for decentralization for Bitcoin was the ability for anyone to be able to connect a node to the network and submit your own transactions without needing a 3rd party. Some have tried to quantify the number of nodes to determine more or less decentralization, that's not necessary and is splitting hairs on the original use of the word "decentralized" to mean Bitcoin. Anyone can run a Litecoin node as easily as one can run a Bitcoin node. Litecoin is as decentralized as Bitcoin.
  • Bitcoin is good enough, why use Litecoin?
    Gold was good enough before gold-backed bank notes were good enough before fiat was good enough. Money should evolve not devolve. Litecoin doesn't settle for "good enough", Litecoin is better than Bitcoin.
  • What does HODL mean?
    "HODL" is a misspelling of "hold" it was a serendipitous misspelling in the early days of Bitcoin where price was even more volatile than today. It's most common meaning is, "Hold On for Dear Life".
  • What is crypto?
    "Crypto" is short for Cryptocurrency a new type of money based on cryptography to secure it. The same cryptography developed by the US National Security Administration to secure US National secrets.
  • What is a $hitcoin?
    A scam. Generally describes any coin that does not use Proof-of-Work. Usually misused to describe anything that is not Bitcoin. Properly describes 99%+ of most coins in the crypto space.
  • What is fiat?
    Fiat is government issued money that forces its citizens to use in order to pay taxes and maintain control.
  • What is Proof-of-Work?
    "Proof-of-Work" describes how the only fundamentally sound cryptos in the crypto space provides security, decentralization, immutability while also ensuring one's transactions cannot be censored by governments or banks. This is possible because of how it solves, "The Byzantine General's Problem". "Proof-of-Work" describes how it solves this problem.
  • What is crypto mining?
    Crypto mining is the Proof-of-Work that allows a digital currency to provide security and document transactions on a block.
  • What is the Byzantine General's Problem?
    The Byzantine Generals Problem is a term etched from the computer science description of a situation where involved parties must agree on a single strategy in order to avoid complete failure, but where some of the involved parties are corrupt and disseminating false information or are otherwise unreliable. All other digital forms of money before Bitcoin failed because they were unable to solve this problem.
  • What is a stable coin?
    A digital token that attempts to maintain a value of 1 to 1 with a fiat currency, usually the US Dollar and is used on a blockchain.
  • Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
    The mysterious creator of Bitcoin. His identity is unknown. However, Hal Finney the first person to run bitcoin core besides Satoshi Nakamoto is quoted as saying "Today, Satoshi's true identity has become a mystery. But at the time, I thought I was dealing with a young man of Japanese ancestry who was very smart and sincere. I've had the good fortune to know many brilliant people over the course of my life, so I recognize the signs." - Hal Finney
  • What is a node?
    A node works with miners to validate transactions. All transactions are submitted to a node for validation before miners records them on the blockchain.
  • What is a Blockchain?
    A Blockchain is all the recordings of all the transactions of a particular coin at a giving window in time. They are linked one after the other to provide a chain and a public record of every transaction ever recorded.
  • Why is Litecoin the best coin?
    Bitcoin was the best money because of it's revolutionary creation. However, due to its size and importance, continued innovation has stalled. Since Litecoin still has a very passionate creator, Charlie Lee, innovation is still strong in Litecoin. An example is the recent upgrade of Mimble Wimble which gives Litecoin a privacy option.


Disclosure: Please note that nothing on this page constitutes, or is meant to constitute, financial advice of any kind we are not responsible for any loss that you suffer as a result of any financial transaction, regardless of whether or not you enter such transaction based in any way upon anything you learn from this page. If you require advice in relation to any financial matter, you should consult an appropriate professional.  Writers on this site own Litecoin and therefore have a bias to write pro-litecoin articles.

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